The Management Board of Hazera Poland sp.z o.o. with its seat in Warsaw (“Acquiring Company”) informs that on October 30 to the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, a merger plan of the Acquiring Company with the company HM Clause Polska sp. Z o.o. has been submitted. with its seat in Warsaw (“Acquired Company”).
The merger of both companies will take place by transferring all assets of the Acquired Company to the Acquiring Company, ie in the manner specified in Art. 492 § 1 item 1 of the Commercial Companies Code (merger by acquisition). On the day of registration of the merger, the Acquiring Company will assume all the rights and obligations of the Acquired Company, and the Acquired Company will be dissolved without conducting liquidation proceedings.
Hazera expands its activities on the Polish seeds market
Hazera Poland, a subsidiary of Hazera, part of Limagrain Group, a global leader in the seed industry, intends to extend the range of high-quality vegetable seeds offered to the Polish customers. A new business plan for operations in Poland includes strengthening Hazera’s collaboration within the Limagrain Group, an international agri-business. Limagrain is the second largest company in the vegetables seed industry worldwide.
In view of its successful distribution of Vilmorin-Mikado products, Hazera Poland wishes to become the sole representative of all Limagrain vegetable seed companies in Poland. Limagrain’s distribution channels in Poland will be maintained by Hazera Poland. And HM.Clause Polska, will now be concentrated under Hazera Poland. The leveraging of Hazera Poland’s infrastructure and its distribution capabilities offers a great opportunity to better support our customers with an expanded range of products dedicated for the Polish market. While focusing on growth, Hazera Poland’s priority is to secure the continuity of deliveries of products to the Polish customers